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a = antenna ef ciency (typically 0.6) D = antenna diameter (m) f = frequency (Hz) c = speed of light = 3 108 ms 1 Figures 5.7 and 5.8 display values of these parameters for typical hub and VSAT antenna diameters. For the transmit gain and half power beamwidth values, one should consider 14 GHz and 6 GHz for the frequency values. Should there be no feeder loss, the power fed to the antenna would be PTX , and should the antenna be perfectly pointed, its transmit gain in the direction of the satellite would be equal to GTmax . Therefore, EIRPES would be maximum and equal to: EIRPESmax = PTX GTmax (W) (5.20) EIRPESmax (dBW) = PTX (dBW) + GTmax (dBi)

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NET is a versatile PDF library that enables software developers to generate, edit, read and ... The PDF417 barcode encoder class library is written in C#.

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You can also use nuget package which will be more simple and easy to use. private byte[] GenerateBarCodeZXing(string data) { var ...

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necessarily depend on the sensitivity of the information or action being requested. As with many other issues in the workplace, the security needs must be balanced against the business needs of the organization. This training needs to address not just the obvious techniques but subtle ones as well, such as the use of a business card by Whurley to establish his credentials. (Recall the title character played by James Garner in the 1970s detective series The Rockford Files, who kept a small printing press in his car so he could print up an appropriate business card for any occasion.) We provided a suggestion for the verification procedure in The Art of Deception.2 Get top management buy-in. This is, of course, almost a clich : Every significant management effort starts with the awareness that the program will need management support to succeed. Perhaps there are few corporate efforts in which this support is more important than security, which daily grows more vital, yet which does little to further corporate revenues and so often takes a back seat. Yet, that fact only makes it all the more important that a commitment to security start from the top. On a related note, top management should also send two clear messages on this subject. Employees will never be asked by management to circumvent any security protocol. And no employee will get into trouble for following security protocols, even if directed by a manager to violate them.

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How to Generate 2D PDF-417 Barcode Images Using Visual C# in . ... PDF417 , also named Portable Data File 417, PDF 417, PDF417 Truncated, is a stacked ...

Does that mean that your last finger, the one on the far right, is your eleventh finger Of course not This is an example of adding ordinal (sequence) numbers and cardinal (how-many) numbers The result is off by one Ordinal numbers identify a sequence, such as first and eleventh In a TCP header they identify the progression of bytes in the sender's stream of bytes Cardinal numbers identify a length..

In a professional services economy, there are few barriers to entry. Competitors do not need huge amounts of capital to buy manufacturing equipment or build large facilities. Practically anyone can enter the professional services marketplace tomorrow.

Network-Centric Warfare Network-Centric Warfare is an explicit attempt to apply the principles of the e-business economy to the conduct of war. In his article, Network-Centric

Only authorized personnel should have access to the computer room. This usually means that only the information systems department and perhaps the director of operations will have access to this room. No unauthorized personnel should be allowed into the computer room unsupervised, including building service personnel. The type of lock you use for the door will determine how easily you can grant access to employees and repair technicians. For example, swipe cards are excellent because they are typically part of an access control system that enables you to put a time constraint on the card that is issued. You could issue a swipe card for a repair technician that will only work on a specific date, during a specific timeframe.

The relapse plan includes reminder cards on how to respond in the event of a relapse or slip. The cards often are small enough to fit in a pocket, wallet, or purse, and therefore are easily accessible to a client when she or he needs to see them. Usually the cards have brief instructions, such as call your therapist, go to a meeting, call your sponsor or friend, get away from the situation, and other reminders like these. Sometimes a person may have multiple cards, and have these placed in strategic areas. There may be a reminder card in a shirt pocket, in the desk at work, and in the car. Remember that using the reminder card has to be practiced like any other strategy before a relapse event occurs. You will want to have your client practice carrying it and using it in session. You may wish to randomly ask the client to produce the card in session just to see whether he or she is carrying it. If you do this enough times, the client will make carrying and looking at the card a habit. The reminder card represents another way to develop and implement a stay-safe plan with a client.

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C#.NET PDF-417 Generator SDK Tutorial tells users how to generate 2D PDF-​417 Barcodes in .NET Framework with C# class.

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Using C# Micro PDF417 Generator to generate Micro PDF417 2D barcodes in C# .NET class, C# Asp.NET Web & Windows Forms. Download trial with tutorial for ...
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